Go away dry skin – Benefit’s Moisture Prep

Image from www.benefitcosmetics.co.uk
Image from http://www.benefitcosmetics.co.uk

Oh It’s good to be back. I’ve been away from blogging for a good four months due to having exams, now that’s done for now, I’m back to beauty.

In my absence I have missed the entirety of summer and now autumn is fast approaching, with the change of weather comes the change of my skin routine. In the summer I’m preventing oily skin and in the winter, I’m trying to battle dry and red patchy skin. In between working full time and my nose in a text book, I’ve hardly noticed that the sun has gone and the chill is setting in, rather than sticking my head out of the window, I have noticed this by the quality of my skin.

Now it’s only September so I refuse to smother on the thicker night creams just yet, but I have to admit, I’m needing a little something extra. So out comes my little friend I haven’t seen for a good few months, my once again best friend, Benefit’s Moisture Prep.

The Moisture Prep is a toning lotion designed to be used after cleansing and before their Facial Emulsion. While we are in the in between months, I think this Moisturiser on its own is perfect. It is really light, cooling on your skin and acts as a fabulous base for your make up. This lotion contains vitamin E, aloe leaf, natural oat and yeast extract which purifies the skin and helps to reduce fine lines. Just a little of this and your face feels radiant and picks up your complexion. For added extra moisture I do like to use Benefit’s Total Moisture Facial Cream, but I usually use that combination on a really bad skin day.

We all know Benefit is a little on the high end price range, so this will set you back £23.50 for just under 200ml. I think it’s worth it, I have really noticed the difference.

What skin saviour have you been blowing the dust off recently?